
What Is Snapchat Streak? Everything You Need to Know

Have you ever seen a little fire emoji on your chat box? Or have you been asked to start Streak on Snapchat? If you have, then it is a feature called a Snapchat Streak.

Snapchat Streak is a unique feature from Snapchat whose purpose is to hook its users into sending Snaps and possibly increasing bonds between each other. For Snapchat Streak to work, you and your friends must send snaps to each other within 24 hours. So, it is a little game you can play with your friends or family on Snapchat.

If you are a new user and need clarification on what this feature does or how to start a Snapchat Streak, this guide will help you know its meaning and everything about it.

Also, do you know that you can use slang like “YK” on Snapchat when chatting with your friends or family?

What does Streak mean on Snapchat?

Snapchat Streak means that you and your friends have continuously shared and received Snaps for at least three days.

To have a Snapstreak with someone, you need to send Snaps to your friends and receive Snaps in return within 24 hours.

Now, maintain this for three days, and you will have a Snapchat streak. You will see a fire symbol next to the person’s username on your chat box to recognize it.

What Is Snapchat Streak? Meaning And Everything

Note:  Remember to send and receive Snaps to have a Snapchat streak with that person. So, sending a text or other messages won’t count.

You can also see the number of days you have been on a Snapchat streak with your friend by looking at the number right next to the fire symbol.

For example, if you see number 1 right next to the fire symbol, you are on day one of Snapchat Streak. It means you have sent and received Snaps with that friend for one day.

So, it is a trend to make that number as high as possible with your friends on Snapchat.

Let’s say you have the number 10 right next to the fire symbol, which means you and your friends Snapped with each other continuously for ten days straight. Pretty impressive, right?

Disclaimer: To maintain such Snapstreaks, both parties must send Snaps (not other chats) back and forth within 24 hours.

How to start Snapchat Streak?

Now you know what Snapchat Streak is, let us talk about how you can start it on your Snapchat account. You can easily do this from your Smartphone (Android or iOS).

Snapchat web doesn’t allow you to see your Snaps from a PC (Windows or Mac). So, do not use your computer or laptop to start Start Snapchat streak. Using Snapchat on a desktop web browser won’t work.

Disclaimer: Since it is necessary for both parties on Snapchat to send snaps, it is better if you talk with your friends first to start a Snapchat streak.

You can follow the steps below to start Snapchat Streak on your Snap account from your Mobile Phone.

1. First, open your Snapchat app on your Android or iOS (iPhone or iPad) device and sign in to your account.

2. Next, go to your conversation box by clicking the “Chat” icon on Snapchat. You will find this in the lower left corner, next to the location icon.

3. After that, click the username of the person that you want to start Snapchat Streak with. You can also search for the username from the top left if you can’t find it on the list.

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4. Now, tap the “Camera” icon from the lower left corner and record a Snap photo or video to send it to your friend.

You can edit your Snaps as you like by using the tools on the right bar. Tap the “Arrow” icon from the lower right side to send it to your friends.

What Is Snapchat Streak? Meaning And Everything

What Is Snapchat Streak? Meaning And Everything

5. All you need to do now is to wait for your friend to send the Snaps back to you within 24 hours.

For example, if you sent your Snaps at 9 a.m. today, your friend must respond by 9 a.m. the following day. Also, they must send Snaps, and chats won’t count.

6. Maintain this with your friend for three days, and you will automatically start a Snapchat streak with that person.

For instance, if you have started on Sunday, you must maintain it until Tuesday. Also, remember to send at least one Snaps back and forth each day for this to work.

In conclusion, send at least one Snap per day among each other for three consecutive days to start Snapchat Streak.

Things to Consider when starting Snapstreak

Though we have already told you about Snapstreak, you still need to know some things you need to consider.

Here are some Snapchat streak rules that need to be considered when starting Snapstreak.

  • For Snapstreaks, you and your friend can only send Snaps, not chats.
  • Snaps sent to Group chat won’t count, so you must maintain your Sanpstreak individually.
  • You can only send either photo or video snaps for this. Other content won’t count for Snapstreaks.
  • You can keep the Streak going for as long as you want once it starts after three days.

Keep in mind the above four points, and you are good to start your Snap Streaks with your friends.

How to maintain Snapchat Streak?

Now you know how to start a Snapchat streak, let’s talk about how you can maintain it. After all, the only exciting thing about this feature is to have the larger number right next to the fire symbol, right?

It is quite easy to keep your Snapstreak. To maintain it, you must send at least one Snap back and forth with your friend daily.

However, it is difficult to remember to send Snaps to a certain friend every day. You may get bored, forget, or your other friend may postpone replying.

This kind of thing may ruin your Snapstreak. Hence, for you to maintain this for a long time, both parties must be equally interested.

Here are some things that you can do to make your Snapsteaks going. Just remember that it takes two people to maintain this on Snapchat.

Create a Snap Schedule

If you have some work and are busy every day, it is easy to forget your Snapsteak. Therefore, it is better to use a “schedule” on when to send a Snap to your friend.

Finding some standard time with your friend to send Snaps to each other is even better. Such times can be before breakfast, work, or sleeping.

Just find one suitable for you and send Snaps to your friend each day at that time. There is less chance of you forgetting when you maintain a schedule.

Use normal Snaps (no need for interesting Snaps each time)

Another factor that may halt Snapsteak in its tracks is the need for more creative Snaps. It is common for you to cease sending Snaps to your friend because you have nothing else to send.

However, your Snaps don’t need to be unique and interesting to maintain the Snap Streak. So, we suggest you use normal Snaps to avoid this issue.

Just send some pictures of you or a video of your dog if you can’t find anything. It will help you maintain the longest Streak on Snapchat.

Try to restore your lost Snapstreak

Sometimes your Snapstreks may disappear even if you and your friend have maintained it in reality. It will feel really bad if your Streak is lost for no reason.

So, in such a case, we suggest you contact Snapchat support and try to recover your Streak. If it is a mistake from the application, then you will be able to restore your Snapchat Streak.

Something about Snapchat symbols

Now, let us briefly talk about some symbols and their meanings on Snapstreaks. Thanks to this, you won’t be confused when you see it on your Snapchat account.

As you know, the fire symbol next to your friend’s username on Snapchat refers to Snapstreaks. So, whenever you see this symbol, you have started Snapstreak with that person.

Additionally, the number right before the fire symbol represents the number of days that you maintain your Snapstreks.

So, if you have the number 50 before the fire symbol, then congratulations, as you have lasted for 50 days straight on Snapstreak.

Another important symbol that you need to remember is the hourglass symbol. If you see the hourglass symbol in the place of flame, it means your Snapstrek is going to end.

So, send Snaps to your friend as soon as possible when you see this symbol. Otherwise, your Streak may stop here.


1. What should I avoid doing when maintaining Snapstreaks?

Remember that you are maintaining Snapstreaks for fun with your friends. So, if you feel burdened or pressured to maintain such a Streak, then stop doing it. Don’t make this feature your addiction.

Also, clear your mind from thoughts like only friends doing streaks with you on Snapchat are your real friends. Not all people have time for social media every day.

Additionally, don’t judge your friend by the number of days you maintain Snapstereks with. For instance, a friend with 50 days of Snapstreaks is in no way inferior to your friend with only ten days of the Streak.

2. Can a single person maintain the Snapstreak?

Unfortunately, No. You can’t maintain the Snapstreak alone. It will simply lose its meaning if it works like that. So, talk with your friend before starting Snapchat Streak on your account.

3. Can I use photos or videos from my Gallery for Snapchat Streak?

No, you can’t use the photos or videos from your Gallery as Snaps to maintain a streak with your friends. So, always send Snaps to your friend from your Camera to keep your Snapchat Streak.


Snapchat Streak is a simply enjoyable feature majorly dedicated to young people. So, you can use this purely for your entertainment.

Now you know the meaning of streaks in Snapchat, and everything about it, try starting one with your friend on your account.

Let’s see how many days you can maintain your Streak on Snapchat. Meanwhile, let’s learn how to screenshot on Snapchat without them knowing.

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